Mike Huckabee's February 4th Tri-Cities Rally Speech

Here is the video of Governor Huckabee's speech during the Tri-Cities Aviation Rally on February 4th, 2008. Watch it and then send it to your friends.

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Hold Your Horses Folks...

...Keep your eyes on Virginia.

The Incredible Huck

Governor Huckabee's showing on Super Tuesday was spectacular. Considering the results he got with the minimal amount of resources he has had throughout this campaign, there can only be one explanation:

Governor Huckabee Super Tuesday Speech

Here is Governor Huckabee's speech on Super Tuesday.

Super-Duper Tuesday

Here we are folks: Super Tuesday. We'll be blogging throughout the night as the results come in.

Very big night for Governor Huckabee!

Local Media Highlights Huckabee

We'd like to bring attention to two articles in a local paper, the Johnson City Press, about Mike Huckabee and his supporters.

Read them and spread them!