Boston Globe Column on Huckabee

Boston Globe columnist Scot Lehigh joins the club of folks who say that Huckabee is out of the second tier. He writes:

In a field where the leading candidates have thus far proved unpalatable or unconvincing to the Republican base, Huckabee is a true believer, a committed, consistent conservative. Now that he's outrun his second-tier rivals, don't be surprised to see his candidacy take off.

Of course, Huckabee supporters have known this for a while. The fact that it is starting to be said in the media is very good for Huckabee. What we are likely to see in the weeks and months ahead is the pundits trying to rewrite the history of this race by claiming they knew Huckabee had a chance the whole time. Those of us who know the facts, however, know better. We have known Huckabee had a chance the whole time, and the Media has been, quite literally, in left field.