Huckabee Roundup

A Note From the Editor

It typically is the duty of a blog that favors a particular candidate to paint that candidate in the best possible light. Sometimes doing that would require either totally ignoring, or else positively spinning, criticism that the candidate receives. This blog is not going to do that. Rather than ignoring or spinning criticism of Governor Huckabee, I will try to present and respond to the criticism to show why, even in the face of such criticism, I still support Governor Hucakbee for President. Sometimes the criticisms might be true, and other time they might be distortions; nevertheless, it is important that they be presented and addressed. Toward that end, here is what has been happening over the past few days

Not surprisingly, Governor Huckabee's surge has prompted some attacks on his record.

On Friday, John Fund wrote unfavorably of Mike Huckabee in the Opinion Journal. Here's some snippets:

I have known and liked him for years; on the stump he often tells the story of how we first met outside his boarded-up office in the state Capitol, which had been sealed by Arkansas Democrats who refused to accept he had won an upset election for lieutenant governor in 1993. But I also know he is not the "consistent conservative" he now claims to be.

Phyllis Schlafly, president of the national Eagle Forum, is even more blunt. "He destroyed the conservative movement in Arkansas, and left the Republican Party a shambles," she says. "Yet some of the same evangelicals who sold us on George W. Bush as a 'compassionate conservative' are now trying to sell us on Mike Huckabee."

Lucas Roebuck, former opinion page editor of the Benton County Daily Record, former assignment editor for KNWA-NBC, and former managing editor for the Northwest Arkansas Times, wrote a rebuttal to the Opinion Journal piece. Here is a snippet:

Fund attempts to make the case that Huckabee is “not the ‘consistent conservative’ he claims to be.” However, instead of constructing a well-researched case of examples of Huckabee’s supposed conservative inconsistencies, Fund strings together a handful of individuals who simply accuse Huckabee of being liberal with little or no factual support. Furthermore, what little evidence Fund does present is skewed by critical omissions of relevant fact.

The Huckabee campaign released its own rebuttal of the Fund article.

The Governor has apparently done so well in the last week or so that CBN News decided to scrutinize his theology.

On Sunday, Time reported that Governor Romney took a shot at Huckabee.

He wanted in-state tuition breaks for illegal aliens in his state. I think that’s the wrong way to go.

Governor Huckabee's response:

I guess I’d be coming after me too. I’d also be crying, if I’d spent all that money.

I've been doing a little research of my own of the main criticisms that are coming out about the Governor. I have to say that in most instances I find the criticisms to either be distortions of the truth, or I find that the criticisms are insignificant according to my hierarchy of values. I will do my best to present my conclusions in following posts. In doing so I am likely to break the golden rule of blogging that says never to construct a post that is longer than 500 words. Well, if we want to get to the truth of the matter, sometimes we need more than 500 words. And if people want to get to the truth, they should be willing to endure a lengthy post; if they are not willing to get to the truth, they probably should not bother reading this blog.