Huckabee is TRULY Pro-Life

There has been much controversy over Mike Huckabee's position on immigration when he was governor. As you might know Huckabee supported a law allowing illegal immigrants to get scholarships (or have the chance of getting one) to colleges if they met the same standards as other kids. The only catch was they had to become US citizens. Now many have said this is amnesty and soft on immigration. I am here to say it is the only true pro-life position and one that benefits society.
First take a look at the video below for Huckabee's response to the issue:

Now explore the options for a second. The scenario requires the student who had no choice in breaking the law to complete high school and meet the same requirements as others to even become eligible for the scholarships. They added a requirement, as I stated earlier, to first become a citizen. Now what is the opposite view? The student still does well in high school but now has no chance at college (or little chance since the illegal family normally has little money) and remains an illegal immigrant causing the illegal immigrant problem to be worse. Furthermore, this child will now take a probably illegal low paying job which hurts our economy. Is that really a better option? The answer is an obvious no. If the person becomes a citizen and a productive member of society then more good has been done and a life has been helped. So what is the true pro-life position here? To keep a child in a bad environment because of the illegal actions of others or to stop the chain of law breaking and create a new American? The answer is clear and I support Huckabee for supporting an idea that I too used to criticize. One needs to really think about the consequences and think of what is better to accomplish. Mike Huckabee, luckily, has a strong moral conviction and this law would solve many problems while creating none.

I encourage folks to really think about these issues and determine whether or not they actually support your convictions. Pro-life includes after birth and Mike Huckabee has shown that not only does he believe this but he puts it into action. And that's why I like Mike.