
The polls are coming out so fast it is hard for us to keep up. Here are some notable, recently released polls.

Rasmussen - Iowa (12/10/2007)

The most recent Rasmussen polling in Iowa shows confirms that Mike Huckabee has pulled away in that state for the Republican nomination. The breakdown is as follows:

  1. Mike Huckabee: 39%
  2. Mitt Romney: 23%
  3. Fred Thompson: 9%
  4. Rudy Giuliani: 9%
  5. John McCain: 6%

Also, in today's daily tracking poll, Rasmussen shows Huckabee regaining the national lead. Here's the breakdown:

  1. Mike Huckabee: 23%
  2. Rudy Giuliani: 20%
  3. Mitt Romney: 14%
  4. Fred Thompson: 10%
  5. John McCain: 8%

It appears, at least for now, that Huckabee has risen above the high amount of criticism that has been thrown at him in the last week. There are more polls that have been released, and perhaps we will bring attention to those soon.