Limbaugh Asks; We Answer

Rush Limbaugh: My question for you evangelicals is this. If you're looking for a real conservative, why are you supporting Huckabee? He's completely discredited himself. What about Fred Thompson? If you're looking for a real conservative.

I'll answer this, being an Evangelical. I do not claim to speak for all Evangelicals, of course.

Why do I support Huckabee over Thompson? Here's one big reason. It is precisely because he has credibility on the issue of abortion that I support him. Governor Huckabee is in congruence with the Republican party platform with his support of a Constitutional Amendment protecting the unborn. He also seeks to have Roe v. Wade overturned. In short, Governor Huckabee not only supports the pro-life message, he also has a desire to advance the pro-life agenda.

Senator Thompson has expressed no such desire. In fact, he has expressed that he would very much like to leave the decision of killing unborn children to the individual states. If a state wants to do that, then Thompson apparently has no objection. To people like me that sounds a lot like telling an abolitionist that so long as the federal government is not forcing slavery on the states, then slavery is just fine and dandy. Thus, it appears that Senator Thompson vocally supports the pro-life message, but has no intention of advancing the pro-life agenda.

It really is that simple.

I take this issue seriously. When presented with a candidate who merely wants Roe v. Wade overturned, and a candidate who wants both Roe v. Wade overturned and a Constitutional Amendment protecting human life, then the choice is clear.