Looking Back; Looking Ahead

I think a reminder of just how far Governor Huckabee has come is in order.

Looking Back

In January 2007, a Rasmussen National Poll for the Republican Nomination put Mike Huckabee with 1%

Roughly one year later, the weekly average for the Nomination put Mike Huckabee in a much better position. Over the most recent 7 week period, Mike Huckabee has either led, or been in serious contention, in the tracking poll.

To be clear, Governor Huckabee's numbers might significantly change due to the South Carolin Primary Results. But even if they do, Governor Huckabee has made an amazing showing thus far. And yes, we did say "thus far." If the past is any indication, Governor Huckabee will be marginalized and written off by both the media and the other candidates seeking the office. And, if the past is any indication, Governor Huckabee will continue to surprise.

Looking Ahead

Now we are heading into the Florida primary, and on to Super Tuesday. Tennessee is a Super Tuesday state, and we plan on helping Governor Huckabee do well in this state.

We received an email from the campaign reflecting on the race so far, and laying out the strategy for the future. We fall into the Super Tuesday portion of the strategy, and the campaign has laid out the following goal for the Super Tuesday states.

1. Launch of online headquarters in every Super Tuesday primary state. We will need bloggers in each state to help organize our grassroots efforts. We will send state specific emails discussing our goals in each state.

We are pleased to help in this effort. We ask fellow Tennesseans to help us.

Northeast Tennesseans

Three ways that Northeastern Tennesseans can help is to:

  1. Join our Meetup group (Very Important)
  2. Attend our next meeting
  3. Sign up at our Northeast Tennessee Grassroots Headquarters