Brownback Likes Rudy?

The Hill is reporting that Senator Sam Brownback is considering whether he will endorse Rudy Giuliani. Says Brownback:

I’m going to meet with him and I’m going to talk to him and hear what he is specifically saying now because he’s changed on a number of the abortion issues[.]

He’s changed on partial-birth [abortion] and he … has said he would appoint strict constructionists.

I have been analyzing Giuliani's promise to appoint strict constructionist jurists, and I have determined that such a promise is meaningless. It is sheer trickery. Giuliani is trying to move the goal posts by using the words "strict constructionists" in a way that is vastly different from the way social conservatives have come to understand that term. Giuliani is muddying the waters on this very important issue, and I suppose I will have to make the case since the pro-life vanguard has dropped the ball.

Look for a post in which I will show why Giuliani's promise of strict constructionist jurists is meaningless.