Huckabee in the Press

Today, New York Times columnist Gail Collins, who is by no means a Huckabee supporter in the least, rebukes the likes of James Dobson, Gary Bauer, and Tony Perkins.

Why do the leaders of the religious right keep sidling away from a Baptist minister whose greatest political sin seems to have been showing compassion to a prisoner who appeared to deserve it? Why can’t they rally around the candidate who pushed for more government spending to promote poor children’s health and education, and reminded his conservative critics that when they talk about being pro-life, “life doesn’t begin at conception and end at birth?”

Meanwhile, Mike Glover writes on Huckabee for AP. Snippet:

"There have been some major surprises in the past," said Ray Hoffmann, Iowa GOP chairman. "If he does second or third here and then second or third in New Hampshire, people are going to have to take another look."